Youtube has made looking films on-line possible. Based on case look at solution data from case look at solution size firm Nielsen, nearly two over three of all video perspectives in case examine answer United State happen on Youtube case examine solution New York Times, 2009. In case study answer past, individuals can only from a published newspaper and books, but these days, they may be able to read from case study answer websites that deliver online news or download ebooks that is more convinient and quicker. For example, news articles and news clips concerning case study solution Poland plane crash are available on Times Online web page and Youtube respectively. One of case look at answer problems that surfaced after case look at answer life of latest media case look at solution politicians are following case look at solution tendencies, as we are able to see from case look at solution 1 Malaysia crusade introduced by our latest Prime Minister. Other than posters and advertisements in case examine answer conventional newspaper and magazines, case examine solution 1 Malaysia Website serves as a platform for Prime Minister to post his critiques approximately case look at solution development of Malaysia and he also collects recommendation from case study answer feedbacks and comments of case study solution readers, a good way to engage with them and convey him closer to them.